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High School Level Demo

7-11 (MH) Slope from 2 Points




PURPOSE:  Apply rule for finding slope from 2 points.  (see tutorial for proof)        


STRATEGY:  The rule says that slope can be found from 2 points by finding "the difference of the y's over the difference of the x's".  You must take the difference in the same order

        either x & y in 1st point from x & y in 2nd point
   or x & y in 2nd point from x & y in 1st point

For example,         


                             The slope is 1/1 or -1/-1 or 1


Notice the answer is the same, whichever way you find the differences. Just do the same order between points.
HINT: Decide which is the easiest!

NO SLOPE:         points (4, 3) & (1, 3) become
                                 3 - 3 over  1 - 4  =  0 / - 3 
                               slope (m) =  0 or no slope 
                           This is a horizontal line & the
                               y coordinate is always  3  
(or can do as  3 - 3 over 4 - 1 =  0 / 3)

UNDEFINED:    points  (-1, 9) & (-1, -1) become
                              -1 - 9 over  -1 - (-1)  =  -10 / 0
                                  Slope (m) = "undefined"
                   Division by zero is considered undefined. 
                         This is a vertical line where every
                          x will be -1; this is not a function.
                 (or can do as 9 - (-1) over -1 - (-1) = 10 /0)

A graphic organizer to remember 0 and division:


DIRECTIONS:  Apply the rule using either rule and write the slope

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